01189 452 900 / 01189 455 555 6 Chapel Hill, Reading, West Berkshire, RG31 5DG info@gentledentalcare.biz


by D4D Admin, on 23rd March 2020 | Comments Off on COVID-19 UPDATE

In light of the now rapid spread of this virus, we have decided to close temporarily from today, Monday 23 March, until the threat of the Virus has passed.

We will continue to triage emergencies during this time.

In a dental emergency:

  • Call 0118 945 2900 and give details of your dental emergency to the receptionist or answerphone and we will get back to you as soon as we can
  • If required, a dentist will call you back to discuss or advise whether you need to be seen.

We are in the process of contacting all of our patients and advising them to re-schedule their current appointments for a later date. The timescale of rebooking appointments will be kept under close review.

For those of you who are on Denplan, please be assured that we will fulfil all of our obligations to you once normal services resume. We will be setting aside time with our dentists for this purpose. In the meantime, Denplan patients will continue to have access to free emergency consultations, treatments, and to our out of hours on-call service.

These are unprecedented times and we need to keep each other safe, that includes patients and their families as well as staff. We hope you all stay well and continue to follow central Government’s guidelines regarding social distancing or self-isolation in these difficult times. We very much look forward to throwing the doors open to you all in 3 months’ time (hopefully) when we can resume outstanding treatments, dental examinations, hygiene appointments etc.

If you have any queries please contact us by phone on 0118 945 2900 or 0118 945 5555 or email info@gentledentalcare.biz

Thank you for your patience and understanding in this difficult time. Our team will be working very hard to contact you as quickly as they can.

Brenda MacMillan

& The Gentle Dental Team

An Award Winning Private and Denplan Excel Dental Practice

Find Us


6 Chapel Hill, Tilehurst,
Reading, Berkshire,
RG31 5DG


Tel: 01189 452 900 / 01189 455 555

Facebook Feed

Opening Hours

8:30am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 8:00pm
8:30am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 8:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm (ONE PER MONTH)